ATTN: Orthopedic & Spine ASCs

Simplify your RFP & Pricing Management

Steal back time and streamline your RFP process with our proven step-by-step guides and price consulting services.

Case Costing for Orthopedic ASCs by CPT Code
Case Costing for Orthopedic ASCs by CPT Code
ASC staff reviewing Surgeon Preference Cards
Our Process

Effective Pricing Management Done Right, One Step at a Time

With over ten years of experience securing the most competitive implant pricing exclusively for our clients, we’re now offering access to our proven framework and guides.

Analyze Savings Opportunities

The first step you’ll take is analyzing your facility’s historical purchasing and usage records. 

Resources & Tools Available:

  • Implant Spend Report 
  • RFP Roadmap and Tracker
  • Order history template
  • Surgeon preference and
    construct variance analysis
  • Case costing analysis
  • Price benchmarking data
Select Targets and Secure Stakeholder Buy-in

Once you’ve identified the specific savings opportunities you would like to target, the next step is getting buy-in from the surgeons and business team. 

Resources & Tools Available:

  • Kickoff Meeting Presentation Template
  • Talking Points for Stakeholders and Board
  • Tips for responding to vendor proposals 
  • Surgeon/Staff Review Guidelines
Orthopedic ASC Board Meeting Template
Research and Finalize RFP Strategy

Once you’ve analyzed the data, identified potential saving opportunities, and have buy-in from your surgeons and business team, it’s time to solidify your RFP strategy and prepare for data-driven negotiations with the vendors. 

Resources & Tools Available:

  • RFP Strategy Template
  • Excel Template for mapping competitor SKUs/bids 
  • Capitated Pricing Table Template
  • Price Benchmarking Data
Capitated Pricing Schedule for Total Knee
Solicit Bids and Negotiate with Vendors

Your vendor reps are critical partners, and we’ll provide tips and advice for securing competitive rates while still protecting those relationships. 

Resources & Tools Available:

  • Vendor Email Template for introducing RFP
  • Excel Template for analyzing vendor proposals
  • Comprehensive Item Master/Vendor Catalogs


How to Negotiate with Orthopedic Implant Vendors
Finalize Negotiations and Update Pricing Contracts

Once negotiations are complete, it’s time to update your vendor pricing contracts. You’ll also want to update your items master and put safeguards in place to ensure the new pricing is honored. 

Resources & Tools Available:

  • Vendor Contract Review Checklist
  • RFP Summary Report
  • Item Master update templates (HST, ENVI)
ENVI Item Master update template

RFP and Pricing Management with 3 levels of support

Every ASC is unique and will have different support requirements depending on your resources and time available. To better suit your needs, we’ve created three different levels of support to help you achieve your pricing management goals. 

Tier I


Access to our exclusive framework, tools, and resources to help you manage the RFP process internally.

What's Included:

Tier II:


Customized tools and resources to manage the RFP process internally with up to 4 hours of support from Advantien experts.

What's Included:

Tier III:


Advantien develops and fully executes your RFP Strategy. Up to 8 hours of additional consulting are included for meetings or to discuss negotiations.

What's Included:

Pricing Management Monthly Plans

Want continued access to our experts to assist with your RFP and pricing management goals? We offer two options depending on the level of support you prefer.

Note: To participate in our monthly plans, you must be a Tier II or Tier III client. 






