In-Depth Financial Analysis for ASC Surgery Cases

Case Costing for Orthopedic ASCs

Unlock the true potential of your ASC’s financial performance with accurate OR cost analysis and benchmarking tools. 

Case Costing for Orthopedic ASCs by CPT Code
Orthopedic Implant Pricing
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As an Administrator/CEO, you deal with numerous pain points around procurement, inventory management, revenue leakage, and various technologies that don’t communicate with each other. This fractured system leads to bloated inventories, expired products, lost charges, and unnecessary spend.

To regain control over the bottom line, ASCs must utilize in-depth and accurate case costing to identify cost-saving opportunities. Done correctly, this can serve as a true north for decision-making.

What are the benefits of case costing?

Compare profitability of both procedures and surgeons

Benchmarking to identify opportunities for improvement

Assists with developing strategic financial plans for the ASC

Highlights case opportunities - which is especially valuable for multi-specialty ASCs

Data-driven payer contract negotiation

Unlock Hidden Profit Opportunities in Your ASC with Data-Driven Insights

The ASC industry is expected to grow 12% in the next five years, bringing new challenges and increased competition. To be competitive, you must leverage data-driven insights to guide your financial decisions and help you capitalize on growth opportunities.

Here at Advantien, we’re experts in the orthopedic ASC space. We have over a decade of data analytics and insider benchmarking tools to help your facility gain a strategic advantage in your area. Are you curious how you compare to similar ASCs? Request a complimentary Implant Spend Analysis here.

ASC staff reviewing Surgeon Preference Cards

What's holding you back?

If you’re like most Administrators, running the day-to-day operations of a busy ASC takes up all your time, resources, and staff, leaving little time for key, foundational tasks that are critical for accurate case costing.

Common challenges we see are:

  • Outdated preference cards
  • Item master not accurate or updated
  • Reimbursement amounts entered incorrectly

We can help.

We’ve been working with ASCs for over a decade, understand your unique challenges, and have a proven track record of providing essential support when it’s most needed. 

Through our full-cycle implant revenue management services, we can augment your staff, oversee your reimbursements, and help ensure your supply chain is optimized, documented accurately, and priced competitively.

ASC Clinical Staff Support

Case Costing Calculator

Not quite ready for our advanced and customized case costing solutions? Enjoy free access to our basic case costing tool.  Simply enter your surgery details, OR cost per minute, and our calculator will determine your estimated profit for the case. 

* Be sure to review your “Opportunities to Improve Profitability” at the bottom!

Ready to unlock the true potential of your ASC's financial performance?

At Advantien, we understand the complex challenges you face in the rapidly changing ASC industry. We believe in the transformative power of innovative solutions and data-driven insights to overcome these challenges. Let us help you harness the full potential of your ASC’s financial performance and drive your organization toward long-term success.