Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions?  

What is the cost of Advantien's services?

Typically, our services come at no cost to the facility. Our services are paid out of the shared profits we can reasonably achieve through negotiating lower prices with vendors. We guarantee that our services will drive a net profit to your facility.

It’s possible that your facility has done such an outstanding job negotiating the lowest possible implant prices and optimized your payor reimbursement that Advantien can add little incremental value. If that’s the case, we’ll tell you.

We always provide a free, no obligation analysis of your implant usage, along with a projection of your specific savings/profits potential. Interested in scheduling your analysis?

What implants does Advantien manage?

We specialize in products for orthopedic procedures such as total joints, sports medicine, extremities, trauma, foot & ankle, podiatry and spine.

What suite of Advantien services is right for me?

Each of Advantien’s solutions is highly customized for an individual facility’s needs. After analyzing your current situation and desired goals, we’ll present the set of implant services that we believe are best for you. We can implement the full range of services all at once, or implement one solution at a time.

How are surgeons affected by Advantien services being added?

There is zero surgeon disruption. Advantien will provide substantial benefits to your facility without any changes to surgeon preference items. 

Where a surgeon wants to be more actively involved, we are very effective in leveraging their support to maximize the savings achieved. With a minimal amount of involvement — surgeons telling their reps they support the savings initiative, and even supporting specific price points — a greater level of savings can be achieved. For surgeons willing to explore alternative vendors that offer equal products at substantially reduced price points, even more dramatic savings can be achieved (50%+).

We always seek support and guidance from administration before approaching surgeons. We won’t do anything to impact surgeons without first gaining administration support.

How is the ASC staff (e.g. Materials Manager) affected?

Worst case is that there is no change to your already-great processes.  But, typically, Advantien streamlines your order-to-payment and surgery-to-reimbursement processes.  For example, Advantien ensures that rep charge sheets match what is on the implant log, and resolving any discrepancies by the time it gets to your staff.  Advantien will handle many of the tedious computer/paperwork tasks that will free up your Materials Manager to focus on more important tasks, like ensuring inventory is available for upcoming cases – or, if your staff wears multiple hats – scrubbing in for cases and a host of other valuable duties.

How are our current vendors and sales reps affected?

There will be no change from their existing workflow. For example, sales reps will still be notified of upcoming surgeries the same way (e.g., through the surgeon’s or facility’s surgery schedulers), must ensure their products arrive in time for the surgeries, attend and support surgeries as they usually do, etc. Advantien will manage the bill-only and invoice processes, but none of the vendors’ logistics, clinical support, or relationships with surgeons or staff will change.

Note: Since our services are customized to each facility, if there are opportunities for logistics improvements which you’d like to implement with vendors, we’ll happily facilitate these changes. For example, enforcing more timely submission of charge sheets.

How is Advantien different from a GPO?

First, we can, and do, work alongside any existing GPOs you may have. Our services are complementary to GPOs’.

Second, there are three main reasons GPOs rarely deliver the lowest prices on implants:

  1. They must establish prices that are high enough to ensure virtually any vendor will be willing to sell their devices for those prices to nearly any facility across the country. If they set prices too low, vendors may choose not to participate with that GPO. This will mean that each facility will be left to negotiate on their own with those vendors (which doesn’t look good for the GPO) or, if the facility chooses to only work with GPO-approved vendors, it will mean that surgeons may not have access to their preferred vendors (which, again, does not look for the GPO). The end result that GPO pricing for orthopedic implants is typically average.

  2. When working directly with individual facilities, vendors will almost always agree to lower pricing than they’ve agreed to with a nationwide GPO contract. The low prices that Advantien negotiates for a single facility will not have the type of impact on a manufacturer’s revenue as might a change in a nationwide GPO’s prices.

  3. Lower prices can be achieved by targeting key products used at your facility versus requiring a vendor to meet specific pricing for the full range of their products (including products that are not used at your facility). Advantien will customize a pricing strategy specific to your facility that will exceed the savings obtained by a GPO.

Again, if you do use a GPO, and they are delivering great implant pricing for you, great! We’ll work alongside them. But (a) most of your implant vendors are probably not participating with your GPO and (b) for those that are, there is usually an opportunity to negotiate lower local pricing (but still be compliant with your GPO contract.

How is Advantien different than a pricing consultant?

Extracting the most value from your implants requires more than comparing your implant prices to benchmark pricing in a spreadsheet, which is what most pricing consultants do. Utilizing benchmark pricing is certainly an important piece in Advantien’s analysis, but is a small piece of the overall strategy.

We specialize in spine and orthopedic implants. Traditional pricing consultants may do a decent job across many product types (supplies, pharma, etc), but Advantien’s spine and orthopedic implant specialization allows us to get the best pricing for your most expensive cost categories. Advantien has negotiated prices with most major (and many minor) spinal and orthopedic implant manufacturers.

Traditional pricing consultants often charge an upfront fee based on expected savings. We do not charge any upfront fees — and typically charge no fees.

How is Advantien different than a Payor Contract Analysis company?

Typical payor contract analysts tend to have broader scopes of service (analyzing charge master prices, contract compliance, etc.). Our analyses and services cover a relatively small subset of what traditional payor reimbursement consultants provide, but it focuses on the highest-dollar categories and the relationship between implant prices and payor reimbursement for implant-related procedures. This means that our services are largely complementary to, or independent of, what other payor reimbursement specialists provide.

Advantien will analyze your historical implant usage and costs by procedure type, compare those costs to corresponding payor reimbursement, calculate profitability, make recommendations for improvement and implement solutions to improve profitability through use of one or more of our implant management services.

Based on the results of this analysis, Advantien will recommend customized implant management solutions to help improve the profitability of certain procedures which were historically unprofitable or marginally profitable. In some situations, the financial improvement may be sufficient for your facility to capture additional procedures that in the past were not economically feasible to perform at your organization.


Are You Missing Opportunities to Drive Profits and Save Money on Your Spine/Ortho Implants?

Based on your historical data, our report will capture how to effectively manage your costs and increase profits from your orthopedic and spine implants.

orthopedic implant revenue management report